Tag Archives: moving

Playing Catch Up!

21 Aug

I meant to update days ago but got busy with the craziness of moving in! To start, I’m officially back on the big ‘][”s campus!! I can’t explain how good it feels to be back ‘home’. My best friend (along with two other girls) and I are living in apartment-style housing this year and we’re already in love with it. Here’s a few pre-move pics:

Packing clothes.

“What do you mean you’re leaving?”

Kissing Maxie goodbye : (

And here’s some post-move in pics!

My bed!

I got that headband at last year’s Temple Fest “Residence Hall Tug-O-War”!

It’s a pillow & a pet.

Our closet!

It goes wayyy back!

After moving in, my best friend and I hung out with two R.A.’s (resident assistants) from our building, heading to Qdoba to grab some grub. After that, we had a mini-movie night and watched Batman Begins. Anyone who really knows me knows that I am OBSESSED with Batman and all of the movies, going back to the original film with Michael Keaton. (Yeah, that obsessed).

Monday was more unpacking and getting settled in while Tuesday, I got the chance to be a Move-In Volunteer! I was at my old residence hall, Johnson and Hardwick, and mostly helped sign out carts to people that needed them. Not the most exciting job in the world, but the people I was working with made it fun! Temple’s acting president, Richard Englert, even stopped by to say hello (and to dance with J&H’s R.A.’s).

By the end of the day, a lot more people had moved into our apartment complex, so the R.A.’s rounded up some of us (about 20 or so) to head to Plaza Pizza. We had a lot of fun getting to know each other and Bridge and I and even found a new gym buddy!

That’s all for now! Welcome Week starts tomorrow and I can’t wait for all of the festivities!

Till next time,
