Updates and the Beyonce Bowl…

4 Feb

Remember when I mentioned applying to be an R.A. a couple posts back? Well, I made it past the first phase and then went on to group process and a personal interview! All of that happened last weekend and as you can imagine, my nerves were completely on edge. At one point, I didn’t know if I wanted to do it, but I did and I’m really glad. A lot of the activities and questions they gave us were focused on community building and inclusion, and I did my best throughout the whole process. So now, we play the waiting game. We should hear back by mid to late February on whether or not we made it so, fingers crossed!

Another thing is anybody who’s been in the Philly area for these past couple of weeks has seen all the mini-flurries we’ve been having! My roommates and I kept playing with the idea of classes being cancelled, but that didn’t happen. The snow usually stops as quickly as it starts, so classes go on as usual.

View from our living room window of the snow falling!

Here’s a picture of the front of our residence hall after the first (semi-big) snowfall a couple weeks ago!

Yesterday, our R.A. threw a Superbowl Beyonce Concert Party for our floor and a bunch of residents (including me and my roommates) came over to watch her perform. I thought she did amazing, along with the reunion of Destiny’s Child. It was like reliving my childhood all over again, since I grew up listening to them. My cousin knows that I’m a huge Beyonce fan, so she sent me this picture and I thought it was hilarious!

Hope no one’s offended by that! The two teams playing did good too. The game definitely got more interesting after the huge stadium blackout when the Ravens seemed to have lost their momentum. Even though I’m from Maryland, I’m not a Ravens fan, but it was nice to see Ray Lewis go out with a bang!

Well, I think that’s it for now! Till next time!


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